Friday, 22 March 2013

Organizational structure

Theories about organizational structure can help with plans for organizational success. These theories may influence how an organization allocates resources. Organizational theory describes how an organization interacts with its environment. Early theories were overly bureaucratic and have given way to organizational theories that apply to a multitude of dynamic situations.

Classical Organization Theory

Classical organization theory was developed in the first half of the 20th century as a way of bringing together scientific management, bureaucratic theory and administrative theory. Scientific management focused on getting the best people and equipment, and scrutinizing each production task. Bureaucratic theory involved establishing a hierarchy to describe the division of labor in a company and recognizing the importance of specialization. Administrative theory worked to establish a set of management principles that applied to all organizations. Classical organization theory didn't work because it described motivation only as a function of economic rewards.

Neoclassical Organization Theory

Improvements in organization theory led to consideration of the work environment. Productivity improves in an environment with coherence of values and purpose. Organizations can succeed with a cohesive environment where subordinates are accepting of managerial authority. The key to this theory is maintaining equilibrium. Of course, there can be unpredictable responses to managerial authority.

Contingency Theory

Contingency theory deals primarily with conflict, which previous theories considered something to be avoided at all costs. Conflict is unavoidable, but according to contingency theory it is manageable. Organizations evolve to meet their own strategic needs in rational, sequential and linear ways. Adapting to changes in the environment is important to managerial and organizational success. Managers must be able to make decisions contingent on current circumstances.

Systems Theory

Systems theory describes the interrelatedness of all parts of an organization and how one change in one area can affect multiple other parts. Systems may not always interact in a lineal manner. Small changes in one part may cause big changes in another part, while large changes in one area may only result in small changes in another. Organizations act as systems interacting with their environment. Any equilibrium is constantly changing as the organization adapts to its changing environment

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